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My passion of natural light imagery and Black and White photography in an intimate boudoir setting and for the brave of heart in an erotic art setting which gives you the freedom of exploring your sexy, fun and sensual side here at  Inigo Montoya Studio listed at instagram inigomontoyastudios we give you the freedom to explore in a safe, friendly environment to give you beautiful imagery for yourself, a significant other or as a couple. I have shot professionally for 25 years in all realms of photography my personal favorite is erotic nude work and that is what this sight is dedicated to. 

Randy Leyva 

Master natural light photographer  and Owner
Inigo Montoya Studio 

Inigo Montoya Studio
9258 Culebra Rd San Antonio TX 78251

Location studio
Location studio 2
Location studio 3

​©2015 by RLP  Productions all rights reserved.​  Proudly created by RLP-Photography

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